Proton Expert Systems & Solutions

Vendor Management Portal

"Pro-Square" Vendor Management software allows organization to develop a comprehensive vendor management process and obtain a complete view of your vendor relationships and vendor risk. The solution enables efficient vendor due diligence, vendor risk assessments, planning, vendor contract review, ongoing monitoring, and oversight.

In today’s complex business environment, vendors play a key role in the success of your organization. However, relying on vendors brings added risk. Managing these vital relationships and risks is important to ensure third-party products and services comply with applicable laws, regulations, and security best practices.

Relying on spreadsheets and word processing tools for the management of critical vendors no longer meets the growing requirements from auditors, government agencies, customers, or investors. A comprehensive vendor management software solution will allow you to protect and manage your resources and maintain successful long-term vendor relationships.

Centralized Vendor and Data Management

With "ProSquare" Vendor Management software, you can manage all your vendor information, such as contact information, financials, contracts, and insurance certificates, in one easy to manage web-based application. The system also provides comprehensive on-time notifications of critical expiration and due dates.

Manage Vendor and Third Party Risk

"ProSquare" Vendor Management is a powerful solution that gives you the ability to quickly perform due diligence and score your vendors on multiple variables to auto-calculate and determine the overall risk breakdown of each vendor.

Benefits of ProSquare Vendor Management Software

  • Gain a detailed picture of your risk exposure from vendor relationships
  • Organize your vendors for easy review and access
  • Create a consistent standardized vendor management process to increases efficiencies

Vendor management portal