Proton Expert Systems & Solutions

Customer Portal

The past few years have seen a big shift in customer support as more and more companies offer self-service customer support through online customer portals. 75% of the 2,900 users surveyed said they preferred to use online support and 40% said they only contact a call center after they can’t find the answer they’re looking for online via self-service customer service options. 

Online Customer Portals Provide a Self-Service Option and Lower Support Costs. This is probably the most obvious reason for creating a customer portal. Functioning as an exclusive customer-only destination, online customer portals were originally created to manage transactional data, like invoice records, invoice history, and bill payments. When customers access our portal, they can view solutions that you have shared in the portal, add tickets and see the status of the tickets sent by them, around the clock. They often included demographic data, like address changes and personal profile information, to reduce the cost of having a customer service representative manually change this information in the company’s CRM database or other system of record for customer data. 

By combining all of their needs into a single customer portal, you may see an increase in ongoing customer engagement and satisfaction by improving their customer experience. By keeping track of your relationships more efficiently and enabling customers to benefit from the knowledge of your community, one can provide better service and keep your existing customers happy.

Key Benefits

  • Increase Sales & Marketing
  • Customer Portals Provide Scalable Customer Relationship Management
  • Peer-To-Peer Interactions
  • Improve Customer Satisfaction & Reduce Support Costs
  • Customer Portal enhances customer experiences

Customer portal